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White Sands

"My therapeutic experience was positive and supportive. I felt free to share anything, and I felt understood and heard. Having this positive environment to share my thoughts meant I was comfortable to explore issues that were hard for me to confront. 


I felt as though my counsellor was invested in me and my journey, and that made me feel as though there was an extension to the support system in my life. This feeling was really valuable. I have made a lot of progress in myself and I feel stronger and calmer". 

Concrete Wall

"When I first started my therapy, the release I felt from talking about the years of built-up bottled emotions to new raw wounds was, to put it simply, overwhelming. Aurelie warmly made me realise that it was more than okay to feel my emotions, before encouraging me to explore them further.


Over time in conjunction with exercises outside of our sessions, lots of old long forgotten memories came up which I had never healthily dealt with in my past and I became aware of how so much of this was perhaps influencing many of my actions, thoughts and beliefs. 


Now, months after concluding my counselling, the awareness and therapeutic tools I possess, allow me to confront daily issues with an understanding of my feelings, improved self-worth and simply happiness, even in the face of adversity, that life, all too often, seems to throw our way".

Brown Paper

"The help I have received from Aurelie is priceless, I could not have expressed myself or moved forward without her. I only hope that some day I can help someone the way that she has helped me". 

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